Genmed’s Endoscopy Managed Service has a wealth of experience. We’ve been partnering with Endsoscopy Units since 2018, including the largest unit in Europe.

Our customers include London North West, and world-renowned St Mark’s Wolfson Unit. We also work with one of the largest Endoscopy Units in Europe, the Norfolk and Norwich University Trust.

Our contracts vary from site to site, to fit the needs of your service. When you work with us you’ll have a dedicated Account Manager, who along with our offsite teams, will manage all your supply chain and data analysis activity – ensuring you always get the best value and ongoing efficiency savings. For example, if your consumables haven’t arrived on time, we will chase the supplier.

This means your clinical staff can focus solely on clinical care, and you can alleviate the pressure on your budgets too.

Because we’re vendor neutral, Genmed can save you money by sourcing all the equipment, devices and consumables from a wide range of vendors. We have 20 plus suppliers with contracts for service, maintenance, and consumables, all within the latest JAG guidance. This means we negotiate the best price on your behalf, and you can choose to work with as many suppliers as you choose.

We can provide equipment from multiple manufacturers and bring everything together in a single, transparent service contract that makes things simple. And whether we are taking over existing equipment or providing new at the start of the contract, we’ll ensure your clinicians always have the correct equipment and consumables to carry out planned procedures.

Find out more about how we work with the Endoscopy team at the Norfolk and Norwich University Trust.

The Genmed Difference

We've been partnering with Endoscopy units since 2018. On average over 3 years across our Endoscopy customers we process. 


1700 +

Purchase orders raised


2300 +

Invoices processed

Service benefits

  • Full choice of supplier
  • Full retention of pricing control
  • Choice of contract periods
  • Planned equipment refresh
  • On-site support
  • Inventory control
  • Process mapping
  • Reduction in administration
  • Funding options for new equipment
  • One point of contact
  • Aggregation of spend
  • Reduction in stock levels
  • Third party contract management
  • Risk transfer
  • On-going savings opportunities
  • Turnkey capabilities and access to funding for buildings
  • Easy engagement – Genmed is on several frameworks which facilitates procurement compliance and speed of contracting
Case Study - Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Case Study - Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

The Gastroenterology department at NNUH moved endoscopic screening services to the state-of-the-art Quadram Institute in 2018. The multi-million-pound facility on Norwich Research Park is home to a range of upper endoscopy and bowel cancer screening services.

View case study

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What we can do for you...

Genmed offers us the flexibility of different purchase routes and funding options. They work at pace and their support helps us to deliver our unique service and maintain our position as a centre of excellence. This type of partnership is something which is rare in the NHS.
Mary Richardson, Director, SWLEOC
The new way of working with Genmed allows staff more time to concentrate on their clinical work, which is very helpful for workflow in the laboratory. As the health service recovers from COVID-19 and the number of outpatient appointments increase, having greater capacity to deal with increased throughput of samples is essential
Saskia Neuert, Senior Genetic Technologist, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust – East Genomics Laboratory Hub