Frequently Asked Questions
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Frequently Asked Questions
Please find below a list of commonly asked questions about Genmed and our service offering. The answers provided will help to explain more about Genmed, as a vendor-agnostic provider of solutions for hospitals and the wider public sector.
We’re always happy to answer any questions you may have, so please get in touch using the form above, or by email to, or by calling us on 01932 503117.
We only have the budget to work on specific areas at a time – do we need to do everything all at once?
No, we are flexible and work to your schedule, goals and timelines. We understand that each customer is different and has individual priorities. Genmed aims to be a long-term strategic partner to all of our customers, and so unless you wish us to, we do not need to work in a big bang approach.
Are MSC contracts eligible for VAT recovery?
Genmed have had HMRC approval for VAT recovery on our contracts although we note that we also have some managed service contracts whereby Trusts were not looking for VAT approval as the benefits of the contract were significant enough without the VAT recovery
What happens if the contracted-out service rules, or the interpretation of the rules, change such that VAT is no longer recoverable?
VAT recovery, where available, is essentially a bonus and supplements the commercial and operational efficiencies that a Genmed managed service provides.
Can we include building works within a managed service with Genmed?
Yes, Genmed have experience of building works within clinical area, such as imaging and theatres. Genmed can provide options for new buildings, modular buildings, forming new facilities within existing estate and refurbishment of current facilities.
We have a mix of aging and new equipment, both capital purchased and leases, will this be a problem?
Novation of existing contracts is a standard element of our service provision. Should you wish, Genmed will acquire your legacy equipment at net book value for the remaining life of each asset. We will provide a capital receipt to the customer plus VAT, which will be reflected in a revenue cost within the managed service unitary charge.
Can Genmed provide outsourced services with a managed service?
Genmed work with multiple suppliers for a range of services. Genmed can work with you to include an outsources service should this be required
Can Genmed work across an ICB?
Yes, Genmed have experience of working across a number of sites and will tailor our services across your hospitals
Can suppliers access consumables at prices comparable to what we usually pay?
Our professionally qualified procurement team provides an extensive contracting activity that can cover the creation of your sourcing workplan, provide access to our contract portfolio and aggregate pricing across our customers. Working both directly with suppliers and NHS Supply Chain, We would look to at least match current pricing but where possible improve on that and provide specification options alongside this
Can we have a choice over supplier or manufacturer of equipment?
We are vendor-agnostic and only place equipment that your team approves. We don’t influence clinical choices other than to demonstrate the cost of the options that are being considered. Our customers enjoy choice – choice of suppliers; choice of equipment; and choice of service which enables them to find solutions to problems using best in class solutions.
Can Genmed provide warehouse operation and space within their managed service?
Yes, Genmed will work in partnership with you to understand your requirements and this service can be built into the MSC
Can Genmed provide managed services for Private Hospitals?
Yes, we would work in partnership with a private hospital in the same way that we do with the NHS. Understanding your vision and providing financial and operational savings so that you can concentrate on patient care